Autoglas Luxembourg

Windshield Repair: Don't Let a Small Crack Become a Big Problem

At Autoglas Luxembourg, windshield repair is done without an appointment!

It is essential to act quickly when a glass breakage occurs on your vehicle. Not only can a cracked or chipped windshield compromise your visibility and safety on the road, it can also worsen over time and require a more expensive complete replacement. By acting quickly to have the broken glass repaired, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure that your vehicle remains compliant with the road safety standards required in Luxembourg. In addition, if you drive with broken glass, you risk a fine or penalty points on your driver’s license. Don’t wait to have a broken glass repaired on your vehicle, it can save you long-term problems.

Contact us for more information or to get a quote

+352 290 150

At Autoglas Luxembourg, you can always come to our workshops without an appointment to repair an impact on your windshield!

Autoglas Luxembourg is involved in the replacement of windshields, side windows and rear windows for all vehicle models: cars, trucks, buses, construction machinery, vintage cars, special vehicles.

Autoglas Luxembourg only uses original quality products for the replacement of windshields. Our suppliers: Pilkington, AGC Automotive, Sekurit Service, Glavista and Dupont

An intervention at a lower cost

réparation d'un éclat de pare-brise

At Autoglas Luxembourg, windshield repair is done without an appointment!

The cost of windshield repair is often much less than the cost of a complete replacement. Typically, repair costs are covered by most car insurance companies, which can help you save money on the total cost of the repair.

Additionally, windshield repair is quick and can prevent the crack or chip from spreading, which means you can avoid having to completely replace the windshield.

Contact us for more information or to get a quote

+352 290 150

A quick response

The repair of a broken windshield in less than an hour!

The repair will only take about 25 minutes, allowing you to quickly return to your normal activities.

This is particularly beneficial if you have a busy schedule and cannot afford to be without a car for an extended period of time.

In addition, repair is faster and less expensive than replacement and reduces the CO2 impact. After our intervention the windshield will be in perfect condition.

Do not wait and avoid the risk of seeing the crack get bigger !

Guaranteed quality like new

Autoglas Luxembourg, the windshield repair specialist, emphasizes the quality of the repairs carried out.

When you have your windshield repaired, you can be sure that the quality will not be compromised. Professional technicians use advanced techniques to ensure that the windshield is repaired efficiently and visibility is not affected. Also, most windshield repair companies offer a warranty on their repairs, which means you can be sure that the quality is assured.

Our trained and experienced technicians use techniques to restore your windshield to its original condition.

Once your windshield is repaired, it will be like new!

Respect for the environment: Autoglas Luxembourg is committed to reducing its carbon footprint

Reduzieren Sie Ihren CO2-Fußabdruck

At Autoglas Luxembourg, windshield repair is done without an appointment !

One of the main axes of this commitment is to promote the repair of windshields rather than their replacement.

The replacement of a windshield involves the production of a new windshield, its delivery and its installation, which has a significant environmental impact in terms of energy consumption and waste production.

With Autoglas, reduce your CO2 impact!
Do not delay and take steps to prevent the crack from getting worse.

Contact us for more information or to get a quote

+352 290 150

Reduced risk of additional cracks

Windshield repair is essential to reduce the risk of further cracks. This is because if a crack is left unrepaired, it can grow rapidly due to factors such as road vibrations, temperature changes and impacts.

By quickly repairing an existing crack, you can prevent it from getting worse and thus avoid having to replace the entire windshield.